.. Topoly documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Jan 29 18:30:03 2020. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. **NEW!!!** Since version 1.0.3 Topoly is available also for **M1/M2 Apple Silicon Mac** and **Windows 64 Bit**. Look at the `Topoly requirements `_ for details. Welcome to Topoly ================================== Topoly is a **Python** package that collects programs useful for **polymer topology** analysis. We wanted to make it simple in use, but powerful at the same time. We provide twofold tutorial for our package. `In the first part `_ all functions are briefly presented with explanation of idea how do they work. The second part is `topoly_tutorial package `_ with examples of Topoly package usage. What you can do with Topoly? ---------------------------------- * Find knots, links, lassos, theta-curves, handcuffs and their type. * Calculate knot/link invariants: * Polynomials: Alexander, Jones, Conway, HOMFLY, Yamada, Kauffman, BLM/Ho, * Brackets: Kauffman, APS, * Other: writhe, Gaussian linking number. * Find minimal surface of a loop. * Simplify polymer structure preserving its topology. * Generate random polygon structures: walks, loops, lassos, handcuffs. * Generate knot map (like in KnotProt). * Calculate sum (U) and product (#) of knots. * Visualize structures. Page contents --------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 getting_started.rst installation.rst tutorial.rst dictionary.rst documentation.rst license.rst citing.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search` Contact ================== .. image:: _static/index_logo_sulk.png :width: 100px All questions and remarks should be addressed to Joanna SuĊ‚kowska (jsulkowska AT cent.uw.edu.pl)