
Here is how to use our package:

Whatever you want to do, start by importing topoly functions:

>>from topoly import *

Accepted structures

Examples: topoly_tutorial/import_and_find.py.

The first step is to provide the structure you want to analyze. Topoly is flexible in this case and supports two ways of input (file and variable) and multiple formats:

From file:

  • .xyz – three columns with coordinates, or four columns, first with index and others with coordinates,

  • .pdb – standard format for protein structure data,

  • .cif – standard format for crystallographic structure data,

  • .math – mathematica array format (nested curly-braced lists).

From variable:

  • python nested lists,

  • PD code,

  • EM code.

Importing a structure works the same way in each of topoly functions.

You can get PD code of a given topology using import_structure function and translate your PD code into EM code (or vice-versa) using translate_code. Here is explained what PD codes and EM codes are: PD code and EM code.

Calculating invariants of conjoined structures

Documentation section: Calculating invariants of conjoined structures.

In our dictionary of topological types are mainly prime structures. You may want to find polynomials of more complex structures: unjoined unions (U) and conjoined unions (#) of prime structures.

You need to create objects for your basic structures. Lets start with the 3_1 knot:

>>knot_31 = getpoly('HOMFLYPT', '3_1')
[+3_1: [-1 0 -2 0 [0]]|[0]|1 0 [0], -3_1: [[0] 0 -2 0 -1]|[0]|[0] 0 1]

Function finds all subtypes of the 3_1 knot and the output is the list of corresponding special objects. Each topology is represented by two values:

  • name (here +3_1, -3_1),

  • code corresponding to coefficients of its polynomial.

If you want to check what are the HOMFLYPT polynomial coefficients of +3_1 U -3_1 (unjoined union of knots) and +3_1 # -3_1 (conjoined knots) write:

>>plus_31, minus_31 = knot_31
>>plus_31 + minus_31
+3_1 U -3_1: [[0]]|-2 0 -3 [0] 3 0 2|[0]|1 0 3 [0] -3 0 -1|[0]|-1 [0] 1
>>plus_31 * minus_31
+3_1 \# -3_1: [2 0 [5] 0 2]|[0]|-1 0 [-4] 0 -1|[0]|[1]

List of such objects (e.g. polynomials=[plus_31 + minus_31, plus_31 * minus_31]) can be exported to a new dictionary file:

>>exportpoly(polynomials, exportfile='new_polvalues.py')

Gaussian Linking Number calculation (GLN)

Examples: topoly_tutorial/GLN.py.

Documentation section: GLN.

Gaussian linking number is a measure how many times one curve winds around second one, i.e. usually it can be a good measure how strongly they are linked (unfortunetely there are exceptions like Whitehead link with GLN equal to 0). If there are two closed chains, then GLN is always an integer, for instance for chains creating Hopf link:

>>gln(chain1, chain2)

You can also calculate the GLN of subchains, which will be open chains - after cutting a few atoms the GLN will not be integer anymore, but close to -1:

>>gln(chain1, chain2, chain1_boundary=[5,80], chain2_boundary=[1,72])

There are three main other options which allow more detailed calculations: maxGLN, avgGLN and matrix (all are set to False by default).

If you were interested in local entanglement between fragments of both structures you may use maxGLN argument. It will find maximal absolute GLN value between one chain1 and all fragments of chain2 and vice versa. It may also look for maximal absolute GLN value between all fragments of both chains (if parameter max_density is set to 1). But you need to be carefull while using the last option since this is very time consuming gor longer chains (time complexity O((nm)^2), where n, m chains lenghts). By default it set to -1 which causes function not to look for this global maximum. When max_density>1, then just every pair of subchains is checked (namely subchains with a cut multiple of the max_density of atoms from both ends):

>>gln(chain1, chain2, maxGLN=True)
{'whole': [0.107], 'wholeCH1_fragmentCH2': [0.872, '48-77'], 'wholeCH2_fragmentCH1':
[0.325, '11-34'], 'fragments': [], 'avg': None, 'matrix': None}
>>gln(chain1, chain2, maxGLN=True, max_density=10)
{'whole': [0.107], 'wholeCH1_fragmentCH2': [0.872, '48-77'], 'wholeCH2_fragmentCH1':
[0.325, '11-34'], 'fragments': [0.901, '50-80', '10-60'], 'avg': None, 'matrix': None}

Using matrix argument you can create a matrix of GLN values between chain1 and all possible subchains of chain2 (and plot it with matrix_plot argument):

>>gln(chain1, chain2, matrix=True, matrix_plot=True)
{'whole': [0.905], 'wholeCH1_fragmentCH2': [], 'wholeCH2_fragmentCH1': [], 'fragments': [],
 'avg': None, 'matrix': #BIG TWO DIMENSIONAL MATRIX}
GLN map

Exemplary GLN map.

Lasso type identification (minimal surface calculation)

Examples: topoly_tutorial/lasso_minimal_surface.py.

Documentation section: Lasso type indentification (minimal surface calculation).

For checking the type of a lasso topology Topoly checks how many times a lasso loop is pinned by a lasso tail. For checking if the pinning happened, Topoly calculates the minimal surface spanned on a lasso loop and checks if it is crossed. For more information look at this subpage of LassoProt database.

minimal surface

Minimal surface on an exemplary frame. Similar structures are created by soap bubbles.

For checking a lasso topology, input your structure and indices of the first and the last point of a loop.:

>>lasso_type(structure, [1,12])
{(1, 12): 'L+2C'}

Which means that through a lasso loop with indices 1-20 the tail C (last part of chain) crosses twice. Symbol ‘+’ indicates the orientation of the first crossing. For further explanation look at this subpage of LassoProt database <https://lassoprot.cent.uw.edu.pl/lasso_classification#lasso_type> _.

If your structure is in PDB format do not need to give all the loops indices, Topoly can find them:

{(1, 12): 'L+2C', (36, 60): 'L0'}

By default Topoly looks only for disulfide bridges but you can use parameter pdb_bridges to look for other covalent loops (e.g. created by amide bridges) and the bridges mediated by ions.

You can also get more information in the output (e.g. exact indices of aminoacids that cross the surface) using the parameter more_info:

>>lasso_type(structure, [1,12], more_info=True)
{(1, 12): {'class': 'L+2C', 'beforeN': [], 'beforeC': ['+25', '-27'], 'crossingsN': [], 'crossingsC': ['+25', '-27'],
'Area': 100.766, 'loop_length': 36.0001, 'Rg': 8.12732, 'smoothing_iterations': 0}}

To get the files to plot the structure with surface and crossings idicated in different tools (VMD, Jsmol, Mathematica) use parameter pic_files.

If you were only interested in a shape of minimal surface, type:

>>make_surface(structure, [1,30])
[{'A': {'x': -5.796, 'y': -0.0, 'z': 0.0}, 'B': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 0.0}, 'C': {'x': -5.019, 'y': 2.898, 'z': 0.0}},
{'A': {'x': -5.019, 'y': 2.898, 'z': 0.0}, 'B': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 0.0}, 'C': {'x': -2.898, 'y': 5.019, 'z': 0.0}},
{'A': {'x': -2.898, 'y': 5.019, 'z': 0.0}, 'B': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 0.0}, 'C': {'x': -0.0, 'y': 5.796, 'z': 0.0}},

to get a complete information about a mesh creating a minimal surface.

Random polygons generation

Documentation section: Random polygons generation.

You can generate equilateral random walks, random loops and structures composed of them: lassos and handcuffs. Loop generation in these functions is based on Jason Cantarellas work. To generate such structures type:

>>generate_walk(30, 100)           # 100 walks of length 30
>>generate_loop(27, 100)           # 100 loops of length 27
>>generate_lasso(12, 8, 100)       # 100 lassos with loop length of 12 and tail length of 8
>>generate_handcuff([4,7], 5, 100) # 100 handcuffs with loops of length 4 and 7 and tail length of 5
>>generate_link([4,7], 2, 100)     # 100 loop pairs of length 4 and 7 and distance between their geometric centers of 2


Documentation section: Visualization.

You can see your structure using VMD or Python’s matplotlib.

If you want to view a .xyz structure in VMD, use the function:


it converts a .xyz file into a .pdb structure file and a .psf topology file. To open your structure in vmd, type in terminal:

>>vmd file.pdb -psf file.psf

If you want to view a structure (using matplotlib) in any of the supported formats, type:


Finding loops, theta-curves and handcuffs in structure

Examples: topoly_tutorial/import_and_find.py.

Documentation section Finding loops, theta-curves and handcuffs in structure.

If you want to find loops, theta-curves or handcuffs in your structure, type one of these functions:


To find the corresponding topology please set the output_type parameter that selects the output type: python list, .xyz file or generator.

Matrix functions

Examples: topoly_tutorial/matrices.py.

Documentation section Knot map manipulating functions.

Matrix functions gives you more control over matrices created by gln or invariant methods.

plot_matrix prints a map after passing a matrix created by gln or one of the invariant functions (conway, homfly, etc.). It has more plotting parameters than the invariant functions giving you more control over the generated output.

  • find_spots(matrix) – finds geometrical centers of each identified topology field.

  • plot_matrix(matrix) – plots map basing on given matrix. It has more plotting parameters than invariant calculating functions, giving you more control over the generated output.

  • translate_matrix(matrix) – changes format of a given matrix (to dictionary or list of lists)

Data manipulation

Documentation section: Data manipulation.

There are three more functions:

Examples of find_matching usage

If you have invariant a (i.e. Yamada) polynomial coefficients string use find_matching to identify the topology type:

>>find_matching('1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1', 'Yamada')

You can also check more complicated inputs which can be outputs of some Topoly functions – i.e. dictionary of polynomial probabilities:

>>find_matching({'1 -1 1': 0.8, '1 -3 1': 0.2}, 'Alexander')
{'3_1': 0.8, '4_1': 0.2}

or dictionary of polynomial probabilities for each subchain:

>>find_matching({(0, 100): {'1 -1 1': 0.8, '1 -3 1': 0.2}, (50, 100): {'1 -1 1': 0.3, '1': 0.7}}, 'Alexander')
{(0, 100): {'3_1': 0.8, '4_1': 0.2}, (50, 100): {'3_1': 0.3, '0_1': 0.7}}