Source code for topoly.params

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
Topoly Parameters
This module contains common parameters for various functions used in Topoly
class Minimal:
    Amount of printed matching knot types
    NO = False
    """ All knots in database"""
    YES = True
    """ Print only knots with minimal number of crossings """
    ONLY_ONE = 'only_one'
    """ Print only one knot with minimal number of crossings """

class Translate:
    Variant of polynomial invariant value translation to topology type.
    NO = False
    """ Without translation."""
    YES = True
    """ Translate if known structure. Print "Unknown" in other cases."""
    BOTH = 'both'
    """ Print both -- translation and polynomial value."""
    PIU = 'piu'
    """ Translate if nown structure. Print polynomial value if other cases.
    (PIU -- Polvalue If Unknown)."""

[docs] class Closure: """ Type of closure for invariant calculating functions. """ CLOSED = 0 """ (Deterministic) direct segment between two endpoints. """ MASS_CENTER = 1 """ (Deterministic) segments added to two endpoints in the direction "going out of center of mass", and then connected by an arc on the big sphere.""" TWO_POINTS = 2 """ (Random) each endpoint connected with different random point on the big sphere, and those added points connected by an arc on the big sphere.""" ONE_POINT = 3 """ (Random) both endpoints connected with the same random point on the big sphere.""" RAYS = 4 """ (Random) parallel segments added to two endpoints, and then connected by an arc on the big sphere; direction of added segments is random.""" DIRECTION = 5 """ (Deterministic) the same as RAYS but the direction can be given."""
[docs] class ReduceMethod: """ Reduction method for invariant calculating functions. """ NO = 0 """ Without reduction.""" KMT = 1 """ KMT algorithm [ Koniaris K, Muthukumar M (1991) Self-entanglement in ring polymers, J. Chem. Phys. 95, 2873–2881 ]. This algorithm analyzes all triangles in a chain made by three consecutive amino acids, and removes the middle amino acid in case a given triangle is not intersected by any other segment of the chain. In effect, after a number of iterations, the initial chain is replaced by (much) shorter chain of the same topological type.""" REIDEMEISTER = 2 """ Simplification of chain (and number of crossings) by a sequence of Reidemeister moves.""" EASY = 3 """ The deterministic version of Reidemeister simplification, using only the 1st and 2nd move."""
[docs] class SurfacePlotFormat: """ The output formats for minimal surface plotting. """ DONTPLOT = 0 """Without plotting.""" VMD = 1 """Plot files to visualisation in VMD.""" JSMOL = 2 """Plot files to visualisation in JSMOL.""" MATHEMATICA = 4 """Plot files to visualisation in Mathematica."""
class TopolyException(Exception): pass
[docs] class PlotFormat: """ The output format for images. """ PNG = 'png' """.png file -- lossless compression, raster.""" SVG = 'svg' """.svg -- lossless, vector.""" PDF = 'pdf' """.pdf -- portable document format."""
[docs] class OutputFormat: """ The output formats for matrices. """ KnotProt = 'knotprot' """ The matrix in the format used in KnotProt.""" Dictionary = 'dict' """ The dictionary-like output.""" Matrix = 'matrix' """ The matrix-like (list of lists) output""" Ccode = 'Ccode' """ The output suitable for passing to C-coded parts of the package."""
[docs] class PrecisionSurface: """ Precision of computations of minimal surface spanned on the loop (high precision => time consuming computations). """ HIGH = 0 """ High precision level. Default. """ MEDIUM = 1 """ Medium precision level, may be used when analyzing large structures, trajectories or other big sets of data.""" LOW = 2 """ Lowest precision level, may be used when analyzing large structures, trajectories or other big sets of data."""
[docs] class DensitySurface: """ Density of the triangulation of minimal surface spanned on the loop (high density => time consuming computations). Default value: MEDIUM. """ HIGH = 2 """ The highest density. """ MEDIUM = 1 """ Medium precision level. Default.""" LOW = 0 """ Lowest precision level, may be used when analyzing large structures, trajectories or other big sets of data."""
[docs] class Bridges: """ The bridges types to be parsed from PDB file. """ SSBOND = 'ssbond' """ Disulfide bonds. """ ION = 'ion' """ Ionic bridges. """ COVALENT = 'covalent' """ Other covalent (non-disulfide) bridges. """ ALL = 'all' """ Covalent (disulfide and non-disulfide) and ionic bridges. """
[docs] class OutputType: """ The possible output types for find_loops, find_thetas, etc. """ PDcode = 'pdcode' """ PDcode format """ EMcode = 'emcode' """ EMcode format """ XYZ = 'xyz' """ .xyz file format (only coordinates) """ NXYZ = 'nxyz' """ .xyz file format (indexes and coordinates) """ PDB = 'pdb' """ PDB file format """ Mathematica = 'math' """ Mathematica list format """ MMCIF = 'mmcif' """ mmcif structure format """ PSF = 'psf' """ psf topology file format """ IDENT = 'ident' """ indices of first and last atom of each arc of the structure """ ATOMS = 'atoms' """ """
[docs] class Colors: """ Colors for drawing figures. """ Knots = {'name': 'knot', '5_1': 'Reds', '6_1': 'Blues', '3_1': 'Greens', '5_2': 'Purples', '4_1': 'Oranges', '8_20|3_1#3_1': 'Reds'} """ Default knot fields colors in knot map """ GLN = {'name': 'GLN', '': 'seismic'} """ Default colormap for GLN maps """ Structure = {'name': 'structure', 'all': 'hsv'} """ Default colormap for structure plotting using plot_graph """ Writhe = {'name': 'writhe', 'all': 'Spectral'}
# def colorFromGLN(gln): # if (gln < -1): # return (int(255 * 1 / (gln * gln)), 0, 0) # elif (gln <= 0): # return (255, int(255 * (1 + gln)), int(255 * (1 + gln))) # elif (gln <= 1): # return (int(255 * (1 - gln)), int(255 * (1 - gln)), 255) # else: # return (0, 0, int(255 * 1 / (gln * gln))) def test(function): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return function(*args, **kwargs) except: print(' Error occurred:', sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]) return None return wrapper